7 events found.
- Events
- Children
- No events scheduled for March 27, 2023.
All Day
All Day
Week of Events
Pokémon Scavenger Hunt
Baby Time!
Baby Time!
Artists Exploring Artists: Georgia O’Keeffe
Artists Exploring Artists: Georgia O’Keeffe
This week we explore the work of Georgia O'Keeffe and experiment with oil pastels.
Starbright Storytime
Music & Fun!
Music & Fun!
Learning to follow directions while moving to music as a group or with a caregiver. Appropriate for the 2 to 5 year old, but open to all.
Wednesday Workshop: Paper Making
Wednesday Workshop: Paper Making
Preteens fun with paper making. We'll make slurries and pour them through screens. Blot them dry and - voila - unique paper sheets! Grades 4 - 6 for this event.
Sunshine Storytime
Sunshine Storytime
Stories and songs followed by a craft. Best for children with longer attention spans.