7 events found.
- Events
- Children
- No events scheduled for April 17, 2023.
Week of Events
Music & Fun!
Music & Fun!
Learning to follow directions while moving to music as a group or with a caregiver. Appropriate for the 2 to 5 year old, but open to all.
Time for A, B, C’s & 1, 2, 3’s
Games Galore
Games Galore
Come play board & card games, relay races, obstacle courses, parachute time and more with the volunteers from Delta Kappa Delta! Grades K - 6
Sunshine Storytime
Sunshine Storytime
Stories and songs followed by a craft. Best for children with longer attention spans.
Sunshine Storytime
The Book Cellar April Super Saturday Music Sale
Spring Crafts
Spring Crafts
Celebrate Earth Day with a beautiful spring craft! This program offers lots of materials and inspiration for your own spring creations. Make an upcycled project too. All ages welcome
Creativity Lab Art Workshops series: Intro to Knitting
Creativity Lab Art Workshops series: Intro to Knitting
This month children 12 and under may try finger knitting with the River Knitters. We provide big bulky yarn for a great beginner project!