- No events scheduled for February 24, 2025.
Week of Events
Baby Time!
Baby Time!
Fun for Birth to 2 year old & caregiver. So important, we offer it twice! 10:30 - 11:00 and again from 11:15-11:45.
Wonder Tuesday: Mars Rover
Wonder Tuesday: Mars Rover
Purdue Women in Engineering provide a fun hands-on learning experience all about snow plows!
Starbright Storytime
Music & Fun!
Music & Fun!
Have fun moving to the beat! Join in with others and follow the leader as we learn and play with music!
Craftastic Afternoons
Craftastic Afternoons
Kids K-6 have a fantastic time crafting with Purdue Education Students. Each week features a different topic and variety of tools and materials for kids to use. It's time to melt those beads into awesome creations!
Time for A, B, C’s & 1, 2, 3’s
Time for A, B, C’s & 1, 2, 3’s
A fun program for 2 to 4 year olds & a caregiver focusing on numbers, letters, shapes and colors.
Hora de Cuentos/Bilingual Storytime
Hora de Cuentos/Bilingual Storytime
El Rincón Bilingüe presents bilingual storytimes with Professor Brenda Sarmiento. Learn about language, sharing stories and the West Lafayette Public Library in both Spanish and English.
Teen Sharpie Art
Teen Sharpie Art
Make your own designs using markers and rubbing alcohol. We will decorate canvases and coasters. For grades 7-12.
Teddy Bear Clinic
Teddy Bear Clinic
Bring your plush buddy or a doll for a wellness visit with the volunteers from UNICEF Campus Initiative. Pretend, play and learn with us!
Book Binding
Book Binding
Our journaling series continues with an opportunity to make your own book. Artist Charmaine Larkey teaches three stitch binding and stick binding. We supply the book binding materials and you bring your creativity! Two sessions to start or further your journaling experience.