El Rincón Bilingüe presents bilingual storytimes with Professor Brenda Sarmiento. Learn about language, sharing stories and the West Lafayette Public Library in both Spanish and English. We'll also have some crafty Valentine's day fun!
This President's Day, kids of all ages are invited to pose with the Prez! Stories and crafts as well as photo ops. Thank you to the General de Lafayette Chapter of Daughters of the American Revolution for collaboration on this America 250 program in commemoration of the semiquincentennial (250th) anniversary of the signing of the […]
Kids K-6 have a fantastic time crafting with Purdue Education Students. Each week features a different topic and variety of tools and materials for kids to use. This week make your own pine cone pal!
Kids K-6 have a fantastic time crafting with Purdue Education Students. Each week features a different topic and variety of tools and materials for kids to use. It's time to melt those beads into awesome creations!