- Events
- Children
- No events scheduled for November 6, 2023.
Week of Events
Baby Time!
Baby Time!
Share the joy of language and socialization with your baby and library friends. Best for babies up to two years of age.
Wonder Tuesday
Starbright Storytime
Starbright Storytime
An evening storytime to follow your busy day. Stories and songs for little ones.
Music & Fun
Music & Fun
Enjoy your favorite songs in this morning of movement and music. Your child will practice following instructions while having a lot of fun!
Time for A, B, C’s and 1, 2, 3’s
Time for A, B, C’s and 1, 2, 3’s
Designed with learning in mind, discover songs and stories while developing recognition of letters, numbers, shapes and colors.
Pre-Teen Taste Squad
Pre-Teen Taste Squad
This month we sample graphic novels and potato chips. Bet you can't read just one!
Teddy Bear Clinic
Teddy Bear Clinic
It's time for a check up! Bring a favorite toy to our play wellness stations. Use a stethoscope, band aids and more as we pretend to examine and really show caring concern for our plush friend or doll. Please bring just one "patient" so that all children can have time at each station.
Westside Boiler Invasion Robotics Library Day
Westside Boiler Invasion Robotics Library Day
Students from West Lafayette Junior Senior High School bring their demonstration robot to the Library along with many hands on STEM activities especially for kids!