WALLA Film Series: Arrival
Elm & Maple RoomsEvery month, WALLA’s film committee chooses a film to present. This is free and open to the public with optional discussion to follow.
Baby Time!
Children's Activity RoomCome explore language, music and socialization! So important that we offer it twice: 10:30 and again at 11:15. For babies and toddlers up to two years old.
Donkey Hodie
Children's Activity RoomOur friends from PBS Kids present another event at the Library. This time they'll feature Donkey Hodie!
Starbright Storytime
Children's Activity RoomSongs and stories for little ones.
Music & Fun!
Children's Activity RoomLearning to follow directions while moving to music as a group with a caregiver. Appropriate for the 2 to 5 year old, but open to all.
Adults: Faux-embroidery patches
Creativity LabCreate an embroidery-look adhesive patch.
WLPL Board of Trustees Meeting
Agendas and meeting minutes can be found on the West Lafayette Public Library's Board of Trustees Page
Time for A, B, C’s & 1, 2, 3’s
Children's Activity RoomA fun program for 2 to 4 year olds & a caregiver. Colors, shapes, numbers, letters and socialization!
Read to the Dogs
Children's Activity RoomPractice reading aloud to these sweet therapy dogs. Be sure to log that time in your Beanstack account too!
Pre-Teen Craft: Boba Slime
Children's Activity RoomKids grade 4-6 are invited to decorate their cup, then mix and stir some slime, complete with phony boba for a fun summer craft.
Baby Time!
Children's Activity RoomCome explore language, music and socialization! So important that we offer it twice: 10:30 and again at 11:15. For babies and toddlers up to two years old.