- No events scheduled for January 30, 2023.
- No events scheduled for February 5, 2023.
Week of Events
Baby Time!
Baby Time!
Artists Exploring Artists – Henri Matisse
Artists Exploring Artists – Henri Matisse
Join us to learn about a different artist each week. Try working in the style of the featured artist and/or make a craft inspired by the artist and their lives. This is a creative opportunity to work with Purdue Education students. It is not an art class.
Starbright Storytime
Music & Fun!
Music & Fun!
Learning to follow directions while moving to music as a group or with a caregiver. Appropriate for the 2 to 5 year old, but open to all.
Sunshine Storytime
Sunshine Storytime
Stories and songs followed by a craft. Best for children with longer attention spans.
Sunshine Storytime
Drop-In Valentine Zoo
Drop-In Valentine Zoo
Make charming animals from paper hearts! We will provide loads of inspiration or craft your own one of a kind creature. Take some of your valentine critters home and leave one with us to share in our community. Please note this is the same program offered multiple times. Choose the one that fits your schedule […]